SiteManager (SM) Module

Site manager is a secure online project management system & data exchange platform. This e-commerce solution has been developed to facilitate management of large scale projects with multiple remote entities involved using just a browser. This system provides real-time access to the project with selectable security & access levels for each entity. It will help monitor and reduce your project’s cost.
Network Planning
Site Acquisition
Optimization: Sector Testing, Cluster Testing
Drive Testing
Site Survey
1GBit Internet access Bandwidth
Secured Web Access (SSL 2048 bit Encryption)
Selectable access and security level based on login
Up to date records with 24/7 access
Centralized Data
Centralized Data
Paper less
Most efficient & rapid information/data exchange
Easy access from anywhere for all authorized users
Maintain history of all events for all sites
Low cost for updating
Low cost for data sharing and transferring
Quality controlled updates
Multi-level access for employees, managers, executives

Site Document Management (Data Exchange)
Reports (Cluster, Sector, etc…)
Drive Test Files
Site Photos (Equipment, Tower, Shelter, etc…)
Site & Tower Worksheets
Sweep Reports
AutoCAD Files
RF Engineering updates
Zoning Documents
Site Candidates
Search Rings
Site information (Custom Fields)
Dynamic Site Maps
Transparent Cluster Polygons Layer
Dynamic & Custom Site Type Filtering
Site Acquired, Zoning Approved
Eq. Delivered, Eq. Installed
T1Ready,Equipment Commissioned
Site On Air
Sector Tested, Cluster Tested
Invoice & PO Management